Health & Safety

Full responsibility regarding health and medical fitness is at your own risk.

Race numbers, supplied by the organizers, should be attached securely to your Santa outfit and details completed as requested on the back of the number.

If you have a medical condition that may result in treatment being needed during the run, please supply as much information as is necessary, on the back of your race number.

If you think you need medical attention during the run, inform the nearest Route Marshal who will ‘phone for the mobile ambulance crew.

Route Marshals will be wearing Hi-viz vests and will be positioned at regular distances and at road junctions along the course.

Please wear sensible footwear, e.g. trainers, not sandals.

All children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Open wounds must be covered with a waterproof plaster. Anyone falling into the canal and ingesting water should seek medical advice from:

No prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs or dogs on lead or otherwise, are allowed in the main run but are allowed on the disabled (shorter) course.

Start with the correct group:

  • Serious runners will be released first
  • Runners/fast joggers will be released second
  • Joggers/walkers will be released third
  • Walkers and accompanied children will be released fourth
  • Disabled and wheelchairs, prams, pushchairs etc. will be released last

Please do not surge forward until your gate tape has been released.

Take care if there are wet or icy conditions underfoot, especially on wet leaves on pavements and damp tow-path paving.

Competitors must remain on the pavements whenever possible, the exception being ‘road closures’ where the road should be used in preference to the pavement.

If you see a Route Marshal, this is the side of the road you should be on.

Respect other pedestrians on the pavements and canal tow-path.

When crossing a road at a Pelican Crossing, the lights will be controlled by a Road Traffic Marshal. At crossing points not controlled by lights, Route Marshals are not allowed to control traffic and can only act as an extra pair of eyes. Therefore it is your responsibility to cross these roads safely.

For Covid hygiene reasons, please do not discard any of your clothing whilst on route. Receptacles will be provided for items at the finish of the run.

Take care at all times during the race.

Download Health and Safety Notices here

Theme: Overlay by Kaira